Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! Mommy kept track of how far she and I walked this year and it was 1004.15 miles. That is an all-time record for us, and it brought our imaginary walk to Alaska to completion. We made it to Anchorage and even had some miles left to start our journey home. We have decided to take the scenic route and are heading to Fairbanks before heading back south.

View Imaginary Walk Around America in a larger map

We won't be doing a real New Year's Day hike this year because it is COOOOOOLD. Only about 15 degrees and gale force winds. Mommy and I walked into town this morning and were both frozen when we got home. I lay with my back pressed up against the baseboard heater until I warmed up. Mommy says she's still chilled.


Backcountry Brodie said...

Holy smokes you did hike lots! Our total be 700.25 miles but then we do be weekend warriors - you must go efurry day! Ah, the advantages of being an only dog. Anyways, furry kewl that you has maded it to Alaska. I think it do be furry cold there too, tho. It woz hawt here today - 50 degreeses!

Merlin Wylt said...

That isn't just hikes Shawnee. It includes my daily walks. Mommy tries to do 5 miles a day in the summer and 2 1/2 a day in the winter, but we miss some days, so it averaged out to 2 3/4 miles a day this year.

ForPetsSake said...

Wow! Imaginary walking is a very col idea...maybe I should imaginary walk to a snowy place!